Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nut flush but not the nuts

Pick up ATAJds and pot it UTG. Getting three callers puts .29 in pre. 3c5c7c flop gives me the nut flush. I pot the flop and get two flat calls. Hmmm. Turn is Jc, a relative blank, and I put in the rest of my stack, flat, flat. Double hmmm. River is a Th, extra blanky. Check by first to act then a shove from the button. Yuck. He tables Kc9c for the second nut flush and the third nuts. Whew! Presumably I faded the board pairing by the other player. That's $2.78 for the good guys and a step in the right direction.


  1. Being beat by a straight flush is similar to being beat by quads in NLHE. It happens for sure but I am rarely if ever folding the nut flush. Always exceptions, like a 3rd raise on the river. I think I posted an example of a call on a river bluff raise by villain with nut flush and straight flush possible out there on my web site.

  2. Nope. Not folding my hand. If I'm beat, I'm beat. I'm just aware that I might be paying off the stone cold nuts. I'm too short stacked to worry about straight flushes anyway.
