Friday, March 12, 2010

75,000 mile checkup

It's been a very frustrating past few weeks. After breaking the $200 mark my green line has continued to plunge to new depths and my overall bankroll is basically only treading water thanks to rakeback. If I had never had the chart climb like it did in early February I wouldn't be so vexed but the fact that I did have such success just makes it all the more puzzling why I can't get the same results.

Part of the issue is a bit of run bad. For instance, according to HEM getting it all in pre-flop with AAxx is EV- for me over the past few thousand hands whereas it is way EV+ over the entire catalog of hands. One of the suckouts happening recently was when some donk got shove happy with 6669ss and I of course gladly took my AAJ9ss to battle with his hand. I even had his 9 covered but the two diamonds he had were enough to give him a flush to eliminate my staggering 83% pre-flop advantage.

From time to time I can tell that I'm steaming off chips though I can contain the damage largely by buying in short and staying at the lowest stakes. Overall though I feel like I'm playing reasonable. When I check hands after importing them into HEM I can see that I'm usually getting my money in good and when I'm not it's usually after pot committing myself with AA pre-flop. At least I stopped the slide in my bankroll and I'm concentrating more on mending the $60 drop in my green line from its peak.

1 comment:

  1. OK I am trying to understand the chart. Am I correct that if you had not signed up for rakeback you would actually be losing money in the challenge? Still very commendable for being top dog in the challenge.

    Is Adam then the only winner, and I am not sure this is even accurate, in the "winnings" category.

    Rakeback is huge, don't get me wrong, as my winnings and rakeback are roughly even since the original challenge began. At the higher stakes, rakeback is less of an issue as many pots cap out on rakeback.
