Saturday, April 17, 2010

HOTD: Full boat springs a leak

Four to a limped flop and I have 79TJss. Flop comes TT7 two diamonds. Hey, I have a wait, I have a T and a 7, that's a pretty good flop. SB bets into me, cool, maybe he has a T or even 77 which would be ideal. No slow playing a boat in Omaha so I jam on him, back, forth, back until we're all in. He shows QQ with a diamond suited Q. Not a terrible play if I only have a T since he has a few diamonds (not all of them since some will hit my side cards) and two queens as clean outs. Once I play back at him that's a pretty easy fold but he wants to gamble so here we go. Turn is 6c. River brings a queen. That's just how some of my sessions have been going lately.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, that's painful. The worst is when u have top set and end up all in against AAAx and the dude hits his A. Only happened once to me but I have seen it more than once.

    BTW, I just loaded on cake for the bonus. In about 10 minutes of 2 tabling $1/$2, I earned a buck of my bonus. Should go quickly.
