Sunday, April 4, 2010

HOTD: Now this is how wraps are supposed to work

I'm in the cutoff with 679Tss. Usually I will wait for only perfect rundowns but I figure that I'll give this one a flyer and see what the flop brings so I limp and four of us see a flop. Well wouldn't you know it but out comes the best flop ever...OK...not best best since it would need to be rainbow but rank-wise I get a perfect 58J which perfectly fills the gap in the rundown and covers both ends so now any 4, 6, 7, 9, T, or Q gives me a straight though only the lower half of them give me the nut straight. And since there are two clubs not all of them are clean outs but hey, I'll take it. Checks to me and I pot it. Two folds and villain to my right calls. Turn is an offsuit 6, one of my many outs giving me the nut straight. I pot it again and get called. River is a non-flush 7 and I still have the nuts. It's checked to me and I toss in my last seven pennies and get called by AQ99 no flush draw. Thanks for the chips Mr. second pair to the board and a gutshot!

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