Tuesday, April 6, 2010

HOTD: Trying to eliminate a short stack

$2 + .25 S&G with five players remaining. Not quite at the bubble but close. Short stack is obviously not at the keyboard since he is folding every single hand. Player to his right gets free chips each orbit unless one of us puts in a raise ahead of him. Three of us in the group are savvy enough to know that when the short stack cannot even pay a full BB that we all get in the hand and check it down. Blinds are 80/160 and shorty is all in in the BB for just 125 of it. MP calls, I flat, SB completes. We all check three streets, MP pairs his ace but the ghost stack wins with a diamond flush. Really? We're losing to a car with no driver? Short stack has just quadrupled up and lives on. Two orbits later the same short stack is all in in the SB. Three of us call him and check down the TJ2 2 8 board. Short stack quadruples up again with 79os. None of the rest of us have a card higher than a 7 and we all play the board so the side pot is chopped. Next orbit the short stack ends up with K2 and outflops everybody on a JKT flop but a Q on the river lets my ace take it down and finally eliminate the obstinate short stack.

After that hand we resume play and I have 5200 of the 13,500 in play and the other three players are all 3000 or less so I steal blinds with impunity as no one wants to go out on the bubble. Eventually I pop the bubble when my JcQc pairs a jack to elminate A2os and I have over half the chips in play. I continue to steal as both player try to hold on to get 2nd place. The two other stacks fight over a pot and then it's just two of us with roughly equal stacks. We do the shove dance for dozens of hands until we both finally get a hand and villain's KJ out-turns my flopped bottom pair from Q8os. A dozen more hands without a flop and I get called by A9os but this time my Q8os wins with top pair and I take down 1st place having villain outchipped by 460 chips before we both shoved. It took a while to kill off the stack on auto-pilot but in the end the good guys won another one.

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