Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lost focus

Can't tell if it was the competition or having too many things on my plate while trying to play poker at the same time but the results were disastrous. Really just was trying too hard to make things happen that weren't there. Putting my money in way light and not surprisingly losing those hands. My head just was not in the right place and I knew it. Maybe villains were actually super aggro, maybe it was just my perception. Sure seemed like I would either miss or when I hit then villain would hit harder. Either way, doesn't matter. If things aren't going well I should pull over and let the engine cool. Also, I started watching the points counter instead of the cashier total and when that happens I semi-subconsciously start focusing on making big pots to drive those numbers. Partly ridiculous since it was so early in the day and I plenty of time to get the points cleared by EOD but in my head I felt the need to push the action. Bad, bad, bad. At one point I was heavily flirting with going back down to the 1/3 of the milestone mark. I did get a better session in where I tacked on a solid two bucks but I am still south of halfway at -$12.72.

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