Saturday, July 31, 2010

700 club?

So on Thursday night/Friday morning I reported that I fell short of $600 and had been kinda treading water for a few days having breached the $600 mark but without closing above it. Fast forward 24 hours or so and not only have I pushed past the $600 mark but I drove straight through it and passed the $700 mark as well. That puts me across the half way mark of the approximately $400 starting point and the $1000 goal. I am (temporarily) killing these $5 Super Turbos. 128 games (meaningless stats-wise), in the money 41%, a wholly unrealistic 16% ROI, and a housing bubble looking graph. The red line indicates my luck adjusted winnings which shows that I should just merely be doing well and not outrageous. I know this ride can't last forever and I'm not wanting/expecting it to. I'm just glad to be EV+ at all and would be completely satisfied with 1/3 the ROI that I'm currently enjoying. I'm just hoping to avoid a giant crash and would prefer that when the tides turn that I regress into an EV neutral player until the graph flattens out to something more normal looking. But for now I got a huge spike that puts me about 12 days ahead of pace for the Labor Day goal so I'll try to nurse that cash infusion across the finish line.

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