Sunday, February 28, 2010

What's wrong with this picture?

I had what they call in the business "a disastrous session" giving back 5% of my roll to the tables to the tune of $10 after having dipped down as low as $12. My green line actually plunged past breakeven before recovering slightly above it. Not only that but I'm actually running a few bucks above my EV line. So what happened?

Biggest losing hand was aces full trumping my kings full. That one hand cost me about 1/4 of my losses for the day. Avoidable? Probably not but I had my fair share of warning that I was behind but I was purely going by hand strength and not considering what my opponent may have or how the hand had played out.

Guy flopped a set on my aces for a $1.78 loss. At least I slowed down and just paid a value bet on the end.

Villain flopped perfect on me and I didn't catch my runners to flush him.

Lost a couple of flips for a buck apiece.

And lost a hand where I was in 2:1.

Part of the problem was that I couldn't isolate. I'd open with a pot sized bet and get called too many ways to try to push things through. Though there are times to just keep the foot on the gas I need to learn when to throttle back. I know better than to bet full pot on the flop when half pot will do. Another part of it was bad luck on just getting outflopped where a bet on the flop would take it down if it missed villain.

So I think it would be prudent to go back to the penny tables for now and grind the roll back up. Though I think I could make the adjustments to avoid the problems with the session I had I think it better that I pay my penance by relegating myself to .01/.02 to help enforce the lesson.

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