Friday, May 7, 2010

Bad stretch

In the past 24 hours I've been on a perma cooler.

* QQ loses to AJ
* TT notched by JJ
* KK out flopped by QQ
* 99 finds KK
* TT finds JJ
* 99 has 22 hit a set
* AK hits top/top and loses to AA
* QQ vs AA
* JJ vs KK
* JJ vs AA
* 22 vs AQ flip gets counterfeited by double paired board
* QQ vs KK

You get the idea. I can't recall a streak where I ran into so many big pairs. I'm pretty sure that this is just the dark side of variance because I'm doing EV+ moves but just getting coolered by better hands. That run took me down to -$38 against the rake and not even being profitable with rakeback. I'm going to do some data mining to double check my numbers to see what's what in the Rush world.

1 comment:

  1. Did not think 99 was part of your ubertight range. Or was this just a steal?
