Monday, August 16, 2010

MMM: After $1K, what now?

Hey Sushi Cowboy,

Congrats on hitting the $1000 mark. So what's your plan now?

Dan H.
Santa Monica, CA


I'm still formulating my next step but one thing for sure is that I'm not going to cash out. I want to leave everything in the account for now and keep building it up. I feel that the $5 Super Turbos are still plenty ripe for the picking and I want to keep playing those for now. I actually still don't have a large sample set to determine my long term earn rate in that game so for now it's going to be staying the course. I do think that I should get another carrot in front of me so that I don't donk off my roll like the last time I didn't have a target to shoot for. Right after crossing the $1000 line I looked at my chart and tried to extrapolate the line to see what I would have at Labor Day. Keeping in mind that $75 of the jump came a freeroll and that a lot of the early growth on the chart was from the mid-year bonus, I came up with $1250 as a number to try to reach by Labor Day which is a slightly faster curve than the pace I originally set.

I plan to move up to the $10 Super Turbos at some point now that I have 100 buy ins for that game. But I am going to crunch numbers and review hand histories to figure out exactly how I'm currently doing. Long term I want to find the equilibrium point between game difficulty and buy in so that I'm playing at the optimal stakes to maximize my hourly rate but that is a discussion for way down the line. For now, I'm going to keep plugging away at $5 ST SnGs for now and establish a baseline before moving on to anything else.

Thanks for writing.

Sushi Cowboy


  1. I would be interested in your hourly win rate. Mine is $4.16 per hour in Omaha high cash games before rake back. Roughly I have 3.5X as many winnings after rakeback vs. before rakeback.

    So I think I am clearing 14.5 per hour. This is after 63,000 hands or so. I am playing almost exclusively $1/$2 and 1,2, or 3 tabling.

  2. Sushi, sir. How many ST SNGs did you play, and what was your ROI? I've played 88 so far. Cashed in 37 of 88, and ROI is 34%. Sustainable?

  3. Good questions. I don't have the latest numbers in front of me but I'll put together a blog post digesting the results during the Cake 1000 challenge.

    In the heat of the madness I had a 21.4% ROI, 42% ITM, and a $13/hour run rate which are all just too high. The fact that both Adam and I are having strong runs leads me to believe that these games can sustain a higher than typical ROI but our numbers mean absolutely nothing until we have literally thousands of games of data to work with.
