Thursday, August 26, 2010


Here we go again. After the Cake 1000 challenge the next logical step is to go for C2K, the Cake 2000 challenge to double up from the last milestone. I'm getting more aggressive with the slope as well since I will need to net out more bankroll in less time than the last challenge. I also will be without the assistance of a mid-year bonus to pad my numbers and only have two rounds of freerolls to potentially benefit from. I've been pretty busy away from the tables this month and have decided to just try to clear silver level in the Iron Man promotion instead of iron last month. That will keep me from trying to press too hard to clear points and instead I can concentrate on making good decisions.

New chart has been posted at the top of the page.


  1. Since no one plays on cake anymore with the possible exception of myself, you might want to consider renaming your challenge.

  2. I still have ~$80 on Cake, and would like to switch over to Full Tilt at some point. Recommendations on the best way to do this? Jason, care to buy my $80 roll on Cake?

  3. If you ship it to me today, I plan to do a cash out tomorrow. is my email on cake.
