Sunday, March 21, 2010

Medium heat

The first significant hand of the session I had top two on and AQ2 flop. I pot it and get one caller. Turn is an offsuit 4. I pot it again which puts me in. Villain calls with KKJ3ds one in diamonds obviously. Diamond on the river. Standard, someone wants to pay any price to chase a flush draw which incidentally was not even the nut flush. He had a gutter to broadway as well. Bad start but not a biggie.

Next big hand has the cutoff pot to .07. Then the button re-pots to .34. I have AAJ7ss and regret that I didn't keep a better eye on my stack because I am sitting on $1.03 which is on the high side. I consider my options since the re-pot can easily be aces and I could possibly be jumping in with only 50% equity in a high variance pot. But there are so many donks out there who will go the distance with far less than aces that I believe that I am priced in against the average range at these stakes. I say hello to my friend variance and commit the chips. Everyone else, including original raiser jumps out of the pool. Button re-pots and I call. He has AA45 with his 45 suited in spades which I have covered by my suited ace. Looks good. Flop is K93 of diamonds, turn 2, river 6 to complete his single sided straight since all aces were accounted for. Currently on low simmer.

Then I pick up 6789ss and can cap the action with a call to .07. Flop is 852 rainbow. Not bad. I check and the three others in the hand check behind me. Wasn't expecting that. Turn is 3d which gives me a flush draw now. I bet pot and the original raiser calls, everyone else folds. River pairs the deuce. I put in my last .22 which is about a 1/4 pot bet. Original raiser thinks about it for a while then calls showing AJ98 for top/top and sweeps the pot. Turn the burner up to medium. As I'm cursing him for making a donk call I remind myself that any time I say "he should have folded" that directly translates into "I shouldn't have bet."

Before I start really hurting the bankroll I decide the prudent thing is to pull the plug and shut down all tables since I can see the warning signs of some steam play coming up. I don't bother taking free hands. I just get out of Dodge. The session cost me $1.10 which isn't really that bad considering that losing that AA vs AA hand was essentially that much. So I had enough other profit in the session to counter my poor aggression and the first suckout. Gold star for limiting the damage before it escalated. Will step away from the tables and come back later after the dust settles.

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